Scholarships, foundations, aid services
Scholarships, foundations, aid services
Many foundations and financial aid services offer scholarships to (partially) finance your studies. Criteria for the awarding of scholarships vary from one organization to another.
You can check further possibilities at Studentenwerk München or at Studienfinanzierung LMU.
Here is a short survey of financial aid possibilities.
- Further scholarships and financial support for international students and international doctoral students you will find at the link above.
- For LMU students who would like to go abroad, there are various scholarship and advisory services. (Auslands-BaFög, ERASMUS, LMU-PROSA, DAAD, etc. see Financing Study Abroad).
- Deutschlandstipendium
The Deutschlandstipendium is thought to support especially talented and powerful students. The scholars have taken responsibility in the social environment, in the family, in an organization or in a social service responsibility or they have successfully mastered obstacles in their résumé.
You can get further information here.
Special regulation for pharmacy students: 2015_04_12 Deutschlandstip Hinweise fuer PharmazeutInnen.pdf (PDF, 149 KB)
- GDCh August-Wilhelm-von-Hofmann Scholarship
The August-Wilhelm-von-Hofmann-Foundation supports students of chemistry and related fields and student teachers in chemistry in semesters four to six of their bachelor’s, diploma or Exam studies with an amount of 300 euros per month. Applications can be submitted until end of January (more information).
- BMBF-Stipendienplus
Stipendienplus is an interactive platform of the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) and helps to find your individual scholarship.
mehr (more information)
The Stipendienportal also helps students to find scholarships.
One program under this portsl is aimed at students with unconventional resumes, i.e., who break with classic patterns: "Ich mach was anderes"
The "Dream New" program provides support for studying in New Zealand.
- BAföG
"BAföG" is the abbreviation for the "Federal Education Advancement Law". This law regulates state financial aid for education. If your own or your parents' incomes do not suffice to finance your education and livelihood, then you are entitled to adequate state financial aid. BAfög is not a scholarship!
more information.
Further Links
- Online-Database of scholarships in Europe: Scholarship-Portal